EEPROM Manager

This command allows you to read/write the data EEPROM content from and to an M-series PLC with firmware r47 and above or any F-Series PLC. The EEPROM manager also allows you to save or load the data to and from the PC’s hard disk. When the “EEPROM Manager” is selected, you will see the following screen:

There are two buffer areas: The left dark blue text area is a buffer to hold 16-bit or 32-bit Integer EEPROM data, the right text area is to hold the String EEPROM data. You can manually enter data in the buffer areas that are to be written to the data EEPROM, or if you retrieve data EEPROM (integer or string) from the PLC the data will be captured into these two buffer areas. The data must be entered in “comma-delimited” format as described below:

  1. Numeric EEP Buffer Format
    This area holds the numeric EEPROM addr and data that is either retrieved from the PLC or to be written into the PLC. Note that the EEPROM space are normally treated as 16-bit integers, but two adjacent 16-bit integers (aligned to an odd address boundary) may   be combined to be interpretted as a 32-bit integer using the following formula:  addr32  = 2*addr16 - 1.  E.g.  32-bit address 100 = 2*100-1 is equal to two 16-bit addresses:   199 and 200.  The drop menu EEPMgr8.jpg (1878 bytes) let you select how the data and addresses are to be interpretted and it will adjust the address automatically. Hence before you retrieve the EEPROM data from the PLC or to enter new data into the PLC, you should select the display format from the drop menu so that the software can correctly interpret the address that you have entered.

    The numeric data is entered in the format [address], [data] and a line break. E.g. to store decimal data 12345 (equivalent to 3039 in hex) into address 10, enter the following text into the Integer EEP Buffer area.
        10, 12345   or, in Hexadecimal format:
    10, &H3039   

  2. String EEP Buffer Format
    String EEPROM data should be entered as
    $[address], [text string]. E.g. to store the string “Test Message 10” into string address 5, enter the following text into the String EEP Buffer area:
      $5,Test Message10
       $8,Rm Temp=25\DFC

    If you need to store a non printable character or ASCII character which is > 127 in value into the string EEP buffer, you can enter it as an “escape sequence” which is in the format of “\XX”. The backslash character “\” denotes that this is an escape sequence, and XX is the hexadecimal value of the character. E.g. character A can be written as “\41” and character Z can be written as “\5A”. In the second example above, the \DF character is ASCII 223 which on an LCD216 or LCD420 will be displayed as a  'degree' symbol.

    1. Normally when an EEPROM is in erased state, all it memory bits contain binary ‘1’ and when you read them from the EEPROM as string, they will be returned as “\FF”.  In the case of PLC with FRAM memory these unused memory locations are filled with 0 and therefore will show up as empty string.

    2. To prevent disrupting communication with the PLC, the strings to be written to EEP must not contain any of the following characters: ASCII 0  (“\00”), ASCII 10 (“\0A”) and ASCII 13 (“\0D”).

EEPMgr2.jpg (3000 bytes)

Click on this button to write both the integer and string EEP buffer contents to the PLC’s EEPROM. i-TRiLOGI will prompt you to confirm the write action and it will also prompt you to login to a TLServer if it is not already connected to one. 

EEPMgr3.jpg (4888 bytes)

You can click on one of these two buttons to read a range of data EEPROM as 16-bit integer or as an ASCII string into their respective EEP Buffer. The program will attempt to login to a TLServer if it is not already connected. It will check the maximum EEPROM addresses available on the target PLC and then prompt you to enter the range of integer data you wish to read (up to the maximum available), as shown below:

Note that before you retrieve the numeric value you should select the check box to specify the range you are entering is for 16-bit or 32-bit numbers. If you select 32-bit then the address range you entered is treated as addr32 ( = 2 *addr16 - 1). Otherwise the address ranges are the address for 16-bit EEPROM.

The data read from the PLC are stored into the EEP buffer in comma-delimited format as described above.

You can save both the Integer and String EEP Buffers content to a single text file with the default extension “.csv”. The data are stored in comma-delimited format described above with Integer data being save first, then followed by the string data. The comma-delimited format makes it very easy for a spreadsheet program such as MS-Excel to import the data into the spreadsheet for further processing. You can also use MS-Excel to generate data that are to be written to the EEPROM and then save the file as “CSV” file, which can then be imported by EEPROM Manager using the “Load from File into Buffer” button.

EEPROM Manager Applicatons

  1. Using EEPROM Manager, it is now possible to pre-load the PLC’s data EEPROM (either as 16-bit integer or ASCII strings) with pre-defined content so that they can be used by the PLC program. This is very convenient for implementing a lookup table or to define a large number of ASCII text string constants to be used for LCD display or communication without taking up too much program memory.
  1. If you use the PLC’s data EEPROM for data-logging, it is now possible to retrieved the saved data from the PLC and write it to the hard disk as a comma-delimited text file, which can then be imported into a spreadsheet or database program for further actions.
  1. If you ever need to replace a PLC that logs data to its data EEPROM area, you now can also use the EEPROM Manager to retrieve all the data EEPROM content from one PLC and transfer them to the replacement PLC so that the replacement PLC will work identically to the original PLC.