STR$ (x#, w)         where x# is a floating point number
Purpose Convert the floating-point variable x# into a string representation with w number of characters, where either 8 < w < 14 or -6 < w < 0

This function shares the same function name as the STR$(n, d) found in TL6, where n is the integer value and d is the number of characters. When n is an integer STR$(n, d) will return the string exactly as described in TL6 programmer's Reference to maintain backward compatibility.

However, when the first operand is a float, the function STR$(x#, w) will only return the string according to the following rules:


 String Format

a) 0 < w < 8 (minimum positive)

+ d.fE+nn    E.g.  3.4E+05

b) w >= 14 (maximum positive)

+ d.fffffffE+nn    E.g. +1.2345678E-05

c) w = 0 Rounded to the nearest integer.
d) –6 < w < 0 | w | represents the number of decimal places in the returned string.

a) When w is zero, STR$(x#, 0) returns a string representing an integer equal to rounding of x# to the nearest integer.

b) When w < 0, the function will never return a string in scientific notation, but will always return x# as a regular expression nnn.ffff where |w| represents the number of decimal places.

    E.g. STR$(0.0123456, -4) => 0.0123 (4 decimal places)

c) When w is a positive number, STR$(x#, w) function will only return a string representation of x# in scientific notation in the following format:

    + d.fffffffE+nn

The shortest format that this function returns is: +d.fE+nn which is is 8 characters wide.

The longest format that this function returns is +d.fffffffE+nn which is 14 characters wide

Example   A$ = STR$(0.000012346, 10)
  B$ = STR$(-0.000012346,8)
  C$ = STR$(-0.000012346,16)
  D$ = STR$(-0.000012346,12)

Result : A$ = "+1.235E-05" B$ = "-1.2E-05" C$ = "-1.2346000E-05" D$ = "-1.23460E-05"

Comments If w is < 8 but > 0, the function will return the shortest form which is 8 characters wide. If w > 14 the function will return the longest form which is 14 characters wide.

The data will be rounded up to the precision level necessary to represent the data in w number of characters.

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