控 制器菜单
在这份菜单里所有命令都是 为通过TLServer 或Ethernet XServer 而与PLCs 通信。 因此, 在执行任何控制器菜单的命令之前, 请务必确定PLC的串行口已被连接到运行着TLServer的 PC 机 或 XServer上
TRiLOGI 可以和在同样一台 PC 机上运行的 TLServer 软件联网, 或者和同一本地网络 (LAN)上不同的PC 机上运行的TLServer 联网, 甚至是世界上另一个角落的 PC 机通过 Internet 联网 。
Note: In order to maintain compatibility with the "Ethernet XServer" device which is not Unicode aware, the TL6 Application still uses standard ASCII encoding when communicating with the PLCs. (This is unlike opening or saving TRiLOGI program files to the TLServer, that would require Unicode network stream as mentioned in the "File" menu help page). As a result, the TL6 application can work with TLServer version 3.x as well as older TLServer 1.x and 2.x. when it is only for the purpose of programming/controlling and monitoring the PLC and not to read/write TRiLOGI file.
If there is no existing connection made to the TLServer, then execution of any command in this menu will always bring up the password dialog for you to enter the Username/Password as well as the IP Address:port of the TLServer. You must be positively authenticated before you are able to log-in to the TLServer. See Log In to TLServer for detailed explanation of the Username/Password Dialog box. Once you have log-in to the TLServer, see explanation of each function below:
1. Select Controller <Ctrl-I>
The only editable field is the ID field. You have to enter the ID address in hexadecimal notation (00 to FF). This command allows you to select another PLC that is connected to the same TLServer but with a different ID for on-line monitoring or program transfer.
2. Connect/Disconnect to Server
Use this command to log-in to the TLServer only if you have no intention to perform other controller commands. You may find that you seldom need to use this command since running the On-Line Monitoring or Program Transfer commands will also let you log-in to the TLServer if you have not yet done so. However, once you are connected, this command changes into "Disconnect from Server" and this is the only way for you to log out of the currently connected TLServer so that you can use the Username/Password dialog box to log-in as a different user, or to log-in to another TLServer of a different IP Address/port number.
3. On-Line Monitoring <Ctrl+M>
See On-Line Monitoring help page for details.
4. Program Transfer to PLC <Ctrl+T>
This command is only available if your log-in username is assigned the access level of a "Programmer". If you log-in as a "User" or "Visitor", this command is disabled from the Controller's menu. (It will be enabled again after you disconnect from the server)
You can use this command to transfer your TRILOGI ladder+TBASIC program into the PLC. You will be prompted to confirm your action to prevent accidentally affecting the target PLC. The ladder program must be compiled successfully before the program transfer process can take place. The progress of the transfer process will be clearly shown on the program transfer dialog box.
5. Open Matching Source File
You can use this command to query the connected PLC for the filename of the last TRiLOGI program transferred to it and it will attempt to match it to a file stored in the log-in user's directory at TLServer or on the PC's hard disk. If the file is found, it will be opened. Otherwise it will report that the file is not found. Note that this command only opens the source file based on file name matching. It does not verify whether the file has been modified. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the file stored in the server is the same one that has been compiled and transferred to the PLC.
If you have created a new file (i.e. the file name is "Untitled" ) and then attempt to perform on-line monitoring, this command will be called automatically to try to open a file that matches the PLC. The command is also invoked when you select a PLC with a different ID either from the "Controller" menu or from within the "Full-Screen Monitoring" window.
Note to Unicode users: If you created your file name using Unicode instead of plain ASCII, the Unicode filename will not be saved into the M-series PLC since the PLCs do not support Unicode in its internal memory. In such case you cannot use this command to open the matching source file. You would have use the "File -> Open (Local Drive)" command to manually open the file for monitoring purpose.
6. Get PLC's Hardware Info
You can find out the PLC's firmware version number, the maximum of input, outputs, relays, timers and counters supported on this PLC as well as the total amount of program memory available. The same info will be displayed when you try to transfer a program to the PLC.
7. Set PLC's Real Time Clock
The PLC's real time clock (RTC, which includes both date and time) can be set quickly using this command. When you execute this command, a dialog box which contains the year, month, day, hour, min, sec and day of week are displayed for you to enter the value. The dialog box is initially filled with value taken from the client's computer's own calendar and clock. You can change any of the field to the desired values and then click on the "Set PLC's Clock" button:
The dialog box will be closed after the TRiLOGI has transferred all the data to the PLC. You should use on-line monitoring to verify that the data has indeed been properly written into the PLC.
Note that the "Year" field is restricted to only between 1996 and 2096, "Month" is between 1 and 12, "Day" is between 1 and 31, "Hour" is between 0 and 23, "Min" and "Sec" are between 0 and 59. If you enter an illegal value TRiLOGI will beep and the cursor will be put at the offending text field. Correct the mistake and then click on the "Set PLC's Clock" button again to transfer the values to the PLC.