Purpose |
To set the communication "Baud Rate" of the PLC
serial channel # ch. All the Super series PLC serial ports are defined as 8 data bit, 1
stop bit, and no parity and each has been preset to a certain default baud rate, which the
PLC will assume every time its powers up. The baud rate may or may not be changed, depends
on the PLC model. Please refer to the PLC User's manual for the baud_no that
represent the baud rate of each serial channel and the range of baud_no each
of these serial ports may assume. Caution should be taken when programming the baud rate
of the "Host link" port because if a wrong baud value is set the host PC may not
be able to communicate with it. If this happens suspend the PLC using its hardware switch
(such as DIP switch #4 on T100MD1616+) , reset the PLC and re-load the program with
correct setting. |