Purpose To set the bit #n of the integer variable v   to '1'.

may be any integer variable or a system variable such as relay[n], output[n], etc. The range of depends on the PLC firmware version, as follow:

PLC Firmware

Before  r78 r78 or later

0 to 15 0 to 31

n is an integer constant or variable of value between 0 and 15 or between 0 and 31. Following digital electronics convention, bit 0 refers to the least significant bit (rightmost bit) and bit 15 the most significant bit (leftmost bit) of the 16-bit variable and bit 31 is the most significant bit of a 32-bit integer variable.

For older PLC firmware (before r78), SETBIT only works on the lower 16 bits.

Examples SETBIT output[2],11
Comments: output #28 will be turned ON.  (Output channel #2 bit #11 = Output #17 +11 = 28)

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